Kingdom of Heaven

Veckans fredagsmusik blir Kingdom of Heaven med Melissa Etheridge. Ett litet smakprov på bakgrundsmusiken till min hyllröjning här. Det jag gillar särskilt med texten är hur de som skadar sina medmänniskor i Guds namn inte görs till fienden, utan benämns: A suffering soul, on the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. För det är väl lite så det är, även om man kan bli väldigt arg ibland. Det handlar om lidande själar, om medmänniskor, som skadar för att de själva är skadade, och den enda vägen framåt är att bemöta dem just så.

Texten går:

A suffering soul on the way to
the Kingdom of Heaven
held up a sign that said:
God hates America.
But a child has been lost,
a mother is shocked and is grieving.

Turning away, turning away.

He said there is a love that
is so hideous and destructive
we must drive it from earth
to save all our children.

He must know it well.
in the night it's the hell
that he speaks of-
It keeps him awake.
It keeps him awake.

My God is Love
My God is Peace
My God loves you
My God loves me

A suffering soul on the way to
the Kingdom of Heaven
prayed in the dark:
Death to the infidel.
He strapped all his desperate pains,
and his faith,
to his body.
And blew them away,
blew them away.

A suffering soul on the way to
the Kingdom of Heaven
shouts from the news:
They are the godless ones!
But the anger inside,
and the fear that it hides.
will never leave her,
when the cameras are gone.
When the cameras are gone.

People come on, tell me:
Where is your Kingdom of Heaven?
Where is your faith?
Were do you put your fear?
Do you have a price for Truth,
and a price for believing?

Heaven is here.
Heaven is here.

My God is Love
My God is Peace
My God is you
My God is me



  1. Bra budskap och fin låt!

  2. Jo, det tycker jag också! Jag tror det är dit man måste komma, hur svårt det än kan vara.


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